The challenges of Real Estate in the technological revolution in 2023

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina  2023
Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023

Today we live in a literal and forceful way the third stage of the ideological Computer Revolution, which we professionals must interpret and adopt as our main ally.

This is not a reality only of the Argentine real estate market, it is a global issue, because the Internet has no borders, information in these times flows even in authoritarian regimes.

The technology applied to real estate, not only allows an internal order, maximize times, be able to correctly segment our clients and profile them.

But also build our digital reputation, transmit our professional thought through the different computer platforms.

In other words, the freedom that technology gives professionals, being able to print their opinion on different current issues, represents a very important achievement. Because there is nothing more forceful for professional enrichment than the plurality of voices.

In my opinion, I believe that the only way in the present and in the near future for professional development is to stick to technology, but upholding inescapable and irreplaceable principles.

I refer to the value of the word, to the experience to the formation. Although artificial intelligence is gaining ground in many sectors, no robot is going to replace the real estate professional.

But it is essential that there is a clear and forceful order, where the professional always takes the helm of technology and not technology the way of the professional.

Many decades have passed, almost 7 since my grandfather founded the company. In those times the typewriter, the verbal description of a property with the reading with a brief description on a file.

Over the years the different tools have been changing and improving for professional practice”

But nothing has been the same since the Computer Revolution took its toll, that is, it has been a before and after for a company and of course for all professionals who offer services and specifically professional services related to real estate.

In these times where information flows through the different platforms and systems of open data sources, where communication and hyper-connectivity are already protagonists of the reality that we all live.

We must have an accurate reading of these changes and trends, as well as the demands that change at the pace of innovation and the dynamics of technology.


Revolutions are not a matter of desire, they occur due to the occurrence of different events, by decantation or by evolution of a society.

Today we live in a literal and forceful way the third stage of the ideological Computer Revolution, which we professionals must interpret and adopt as our main ally.

This is not a reality only of the Argentine real estate market, it is a global issue, because the Internet has no borders, information in these times flows even in authoritarian regimes.

The technology applied to real estate, not only allows an internal order, maximize times, be able to correctly segment our clients and profile them.

But also build our digital reputation, transmit our professional thought through the different computer platforms.

In other words, the freedom that technology gives professionals, being able to print their opinion on different current issues, represents a very important achievement. Because there is nothing more forceful for professional enrichment than the plurality of voices.

In my opinion, I believe that the only way in the present and in the near future for professional development is to stick to technology, but upholding inescapable and irreplaceable principles.

I refer to the value of the word, to the experience to the formation. Although artificial intelligence is gaining ground in many sectors, no robot is going to replace the real estate professional.

But it is essential that there is a clear and forceful order, where the professional always takes the helm of technology and not technology the way of the professional.


Professional and technological independence allows us to choose different alternatives, which is why I think it is a very important tool, removing the professional and the client from having the freedom to choose.

Countries where the economy has an oligopolistic monopolistic cut end up leveling for a few, instead of achieving the possibility of open competition and with clear rules of the game and of improving and perfecting themselves.

That is why I consider it essential to promote new technological tools that become new options for improving services.


More Real estate technology news click here

In light of the above, one of the most important real estate markets in the world such as the United States of America, I bet on technological independence that the direct construction of services for real estate professionals, as is the case of the NAR, obtaining very important.

The permanent evolution Technological trends in real estate
Technology began a path of no return. that is to say, we are not going to recount a file that was done by phone or graph the characteristics of the property in person.

Everything that comes is evolution, and everything that happens in the first stage is going to be more and more latent in the cyberspace connected to our offices.

The professional will have to be permanently at the forefront of changes in order to compete professionally with the same rules of the game that the market and technology will introduce over time.

This dynamic that technology presents today may be very different tomorrow, which is why it is essential to accompany these changes through technology and mobility research institutes, where the entities of the sector themselves are the promoters of these initiatives, the benefits of which will impact real estate professionals with absolute technological independence.

diego migliorisi

By Diego Migliorisi

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023

Real Estate and technology: Challenges Argentina 2023